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We are renowned for providing high quality advice through our firm’s telecom practice group on the market’s most complex and sophisticated matters. Our practice group has a wealth of experience representing clients in cases before the Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL) and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC).

Miranda & Amado’s telecom practice group is part of the firm’s regulatory and administrative law department and liaises with our other market-leading departments in crucial overlapping areas, such as data protection, competition, consumer protection, tax, dispute resolution, labour and corporate, with a view to providing clients with a comprehensive service unparalleled in the Peruvian telecom industry.


  • We are advising Telefónica del Perú on five claims filed by the Peruvian Tax Authority (SUNAT) for alleged non-performance of tax obligations. SUNAT is seeking the annulment of decisions handed down by the Tax Tribunal (in favour of Telefónica del Perú) relating to the tax regime applicable to satellite services provided to Telefónica del Perú. The related contingency amounts approximately to PEN 100 million. Telefónica is a global telecom leader and the largest telecom company in Peru. (Ongoing)
  • We are advising CenturyLink Perú in all legal matters concerning the company, considering its core business, wholesale and corporate telecom services, as well as in matters relating to licenses with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) for the provision of local and long-distance carrier telecom services under the concession agreements executed by the company. (Ongoing)
  • We are advising Media Networks Latin América S.A. on a claim against an assessment relating to the payment of the contribution levied by OSIPTEL for the years 2011 to 2018. (Ongoing)
  • We advised UFINET on regulatory matters regarding the provision of public carrier telecom services, which includes administrative procedures before the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC). UFINET is a neutral wholesale operator in the telecom market with extensive network coverage in major cities in the 11 countries where the company operates and with more than 46,000 km of optical fibre deployed in two continents (Latin America and Europe, specifically Spain). (Ongoing)
  • We have been advising Quanta Services Perú S.A.C on legal matters related to the contractual and regulatory aspects for the deployment of passive telecommunication infrastructure in the context of the implementation of the National Fibre Optic Network. Quanta Services Perú is an affiliate company of Quanta Services, a leading provider for specialty contractor services that offers integrated solutions to the electric power, pipeline, industrial and communications sectors. (Ongoing)
  • We are advising Intelsat US LLC on the administrative procedures filed for registering several satellites in the Andean Satellite List of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) and with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC). Our firm also provides legal advice to the company and its affiliates on corporate and regulatory matters. (Ongoing)

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