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We represent clients across the spectrum of public and administrative law, from identifying and preventing legal risks related to the implementation of projects and activities subject to regulation, to advising agents on the accurate application and interpretation of regulations, with the purpose of energizing activities in multiple markets.

The experience and knowledge of administrative law regulations, which are common to all sectors of economic activity, have a cross-sectional impact on all special areas of public law, such as environment, urban planning, fisheries, telecommunications, mining, electricity, hydrocarbons, explosives, food and beverages, health, education and infrastructure.

In particular, our services span the range of consulting (including reports and legal opinions), advice and defence activities in the following areas:

  • Impact of public and administrative law regulation consistent with the client’s line of business, at the national, regional and local levels.
  • Obtaining approvals (licenses, authorizations, permits) issued by government entities necessary for the development of the company’s activities.
  • Supervision and oversight activities carried out by government entities, within the scope of their competencies, as well as governmental control activities.
  • Administrative procedures related to requests of particular concern or challenges to administrative acts (remedies).
  • Prevention and mitigation of contingencies in public law matters.
  • Exercise of the Administration’s sanctioning power and mechanisms for enforcement of administrative acts. 
  • Complaints against bureaucratic barriers.



  • Advised Telefónica del Perú in an administrative procedure initiated by the telecommunications regulator, OSIPTEL, due to an alleged anticompetitive bundling of the internet service “Speedy”.
  • Advised ContourGlobal on all regulatory matters related to the construction of Peru’s first wind farms (Talara and Cupisnique).
  • Advised Level 3 in an administrative procedure initiated by the telecommunications regulator, OSIPTEL.
  • Advised Cálidda in the administrative procedure for alleged rate fixing practices.
  • Advised Enersur on all regulatory matters related to the construction of a hydroelectric (Quitaracsa I) and a thermal (Chilca) power plants.

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