Our firm just launched a free tool called Equal Pay Test, with the purpose of getting organizations to get a first general diagnosis about their equal pay policies.
As of July 1, the National Superintendency of Labor Inspection (Sunafil) will initiate inspections on equal pay. The objective of the initiative is to supervise compliance with the obligations regarding equal pay within organizations.
However, many companies are not yet prepared to face these audits, since they do not know the legal obligations that must be met. In this regard, the labor area of our firm launched a free tool called Equal Pay Test, with the purpose of enabling companies to obtain a first general diagnosis of their equal pay policies.
To know if your company complies with the main equal pay provisions, you only have to enter the Equal Pay Test and answer ten questions. After answering the questionnaire, the tool will show a score, which shows if the organization is ready to face the inspections by Sunafil, or if the implementation of improvements is required to adapt to the regulation.
It should be noted that companies that fail to comply with the regulations could be sanctioned with fines of up to S/ 189,000.00 (45 UIT).
This tool is already available through the web and you can enter from a PC or a Smartphone to the following link: https://mafirma.pe/test-igualdad-salarial/